What is the role of chauffeur-driven mobility in an age of diversifying values? The new Century embodies a uniquely Japanese aesthetic and craftsmanship, unchanged since the series' launch in 1967.
Century for the next century
First introduced in 1967, Century commemorated the centenary of the birth of Sakichi Toyoda, founder of the Toyota Group.
The principles of disciplined creativity that Sakichi lived and worked by remain the core principles of Toyota to this day.
During the development of the first Century in the 1960’s, Japan was still a rising economy. Toyota was yet to compete with exotic imported luxury cars.
When Shoichiro Toyoda commissioned Century, it was a huge gamble.

For over a year, Shoichiro-san worked day and night embedded in the Century team led by Chief Engineer Kenya Nakamura.
Cutting-edge technology alone was not enough - they needed to embrace Japan’s heritage and cultural values to create something completely new and unique.
The philosophy that gave birth to Century was handed down from generation to generation.
Throughout this time, Shoichiro-san remained personally involved in the development of all three generations of Century.
For the most recent sedan in 2018, I witnessed this attention to detail firsthand.
Over 90 years old at the time, his single-minded vision for Century was unclouded.
I remember being taken aback by the detail of his questions, down to the exact position of the rear seats.

But millimeter by millimeter, degree by degree...he led us to see what he saw.
To explain this focus, I need you to imagine a day in the life of a Century customer...
...often an individual for whom public service extends to every movement...in every moment they are seen.
...Where arrival and departure are the first and last impressions they imbue.
The elegance of the transition from public to private realms is an art in itself. Century’s role was to make that transition as natural and seamless as possible.
His greatest lesson to us...The key to the finest attention to detail in car-making...is to show the finest attention to detail...in customer understanding.
And that customer is changing...
New generations are leading new industries, with new ways of thinking, and new ways of working.
Akio Toyoda was acutely aware of this. He knew that Century had to change.
But he also believed that it had the potential to move with the times without sacrificing what it stood for...
He inspired us to embrace those changing times and take a more adventurous path.
A Century that was...Dignified but bold...Thoughtful but confident...Subtle but expressive...
Century’s phoenix motif could not be more fitting...
The opening of a new era...
Ladies and gentleman, a Century for the next century!