Toyota Times News

Toyota's Origins through 90 Years of the Company Magazine


How has the company magazine chronicled Toyota through its long history? A look at past articles reveals the origins that echo through to today.

In-house magazines are used to convey a company’s principles and serve as a communication tool between employees.

Toyota’s own magazine has remained in print across some 90 years, its name and content changing in tune with the times.

Recently, Toyota Times visited the corporate archives that house these invaluable artifacts. Never before had cameras entered this carefully temperature- and humidity-controlled room.

From developing Japan’s first mass-market cars to postwar tours of the U.S. and the production-sales merger—how did the company magazine chronicle these various turning points in Toyota history? The original documents express the vision of Toyota’s leaders and the passion of its employees.

We also found many articles that reveal the origins of today’s Toyota, including the record of a visit to the 1951 Indy 500 and a 1960s design contest under the headline “My Dream Car.”

What do these roots mean to current genba employees?

The publication’s latest version, Toyota Times Magazine, ran its final issue in October. From here, the role of sharing leaders’ thoughts and the activities of fellow employees will be taken up by Toyota Times.

For World Toyota News, we cover the Japan Automotive Hall of Fame induction ceremony, held in Tokyo on November 14.

In tribute to his father, Honorary Chairman Shoichiro Toyoda, Akio attended the event in a Century and shared some of their monozukuri memories.