Accelerating World First Experiments to Make Watching Motorsports Fun and Comfortable for Everyone


Many novel ideas came together at the circuit to help everyone enjoy motorsports, regardless of ability. How far have their initiatives progressed?

This time, Toyota Times News features the initiatives of the Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF), where many demonstration experiments are underway to enable everyone to enjoy watching motorsports and get around comfortably.

This is a sequel to this video from last year. Let’s see how far these initiatives have come since then!

There are small-sized projectors for people with visual impairments, an app that allows people to contact nearby businesses for help, and many other items at the circuit.

A frequent guest on Toyota Times News and wheelchair YouTuber Mako Shibuya has come to evaluate some of the initiatives. See her honest reaction when she tries the semi-automatic wheelchair.

Former F3 racer Hirokazu Nagaya helps in developing a system that allows the remote operation of actual cars. Nagaya was paralyzed in all four limbs in a racing accident, but with this system, he can drive without actually getting into a car. What is his dream for the future with this system that could allow anyone to be an active driver?

Akio Toyoda, Chairman of TMF, also tries various ideas and comments, “If you keep up with your actions, people will start to share your vision.” Experience his words through this video.

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