世界初公開となった5代目プリウス。トヨタイムズでは登壇したサイモン・ハンフリーズ デザイン統括部長によるスピーチ全文を紹介する。
But as Akio says, “BEVs are an important solution, but they are not always the best option for everyone. In a diversified world, we need a variety of options.”
However, despite these explanations, we’re still faced with people asking “how long are you going to keep making hybrids for...?”
Why? Simply because the Prius is an eco-car within everyone’s reach.
And it needs to start today, not tomorrow.
Toyota believes that eco-cars can only contribute to the environment if they are popularized. And from that point of view, the Prius is a car for the majority.
It is a car to be driven by all people, not just a few. That is its greatest strength, the reason for its existence, and the reason the Prius brand should not be lost. Although everyone in the development phase agreed to these goals, the methods to achieving them were hotly debated.
Should the next Prius focus on becoming a “Commodity” or something to “Love?” Akio san proposed that the next Prius should evolve toward becoming a true commodity.
He also proposed to sell the Prius as an OEM vehicle through other manufacturers, taking the environmental technology of the Prius, which has been cultivated over many years, and not limiting it to just the Toyota group. This would contribute to a carbon-neutral society by spreading the Prius’ environmental technology beyond the boundary of a single manufacturer.