
Toyota Announces Results of Investigation into Model Certification Applications


This article presents the full text of Chairman Akio Toyoda's press conference message and the detailed explanation by Customer First Promotion Group Chief Officer Shinji Miyamoto.

Chairman Toyoda – “I will go to the genba myself and take responsibility”

Chairman Toyoda

Although still ongoing, our investigation, involving tens of thousands of items, has revealed six cases.

We conducted internal verifications on all the cases and confirmed that they all meet the legally defined standards and can, therefore, be used safely by our customers.

Nevertheless, these acts shake the very foundations of the certification system, and as an automobile manufacturer, we believe they are acts that must never be committed.

After the press conference on January 30 of this year, my immediate action was to ensure that everyone involved, including myself, correctly understood the problem.

Therefore, in February, I took the lead and called on Toyota, Hino, Daihatsu, and Toyota Industries to hold the TPS Jishuken (Joint Kaizen Activities) for Certification Work.

First, we focused on the processes in which certification-related work was most prone to problems and began by visualizing the material and information flow diagram.

As a result, work structure issues have now become clear, and we will carry out concrete improvements.

The other day, I went to the genba myself and checked on the progress.

The presidents of each company, Oyaji genba leaders, veteran engineers, and young employees who have been working at the company for a few years participated beyond the boundaries of titles and individual corporate frameworks to learn from one another while studying the material and information flow diagram.

By doing so, we were able to find where the problems were in the work structure. We also discovered that not only Toyota but also Group companies are facing the same issues. That is where we are at now.

Since we are all part of the same Group, we should talk to each other and continue to make improvements together, including top management and genba employees. I feel that we have taken the first step in this direction.

I intend to extend our efforts throughout the entire Group and restore authority to the genba to create a solid corporate culture that makes ever-better cars.

These efforts will need to be done steadily and will take time, but I will go to the genba myself and take responsibility for their progress. We appreciate your kind attention.