
Just an Ordinary Guy Who Loves Cars--New Year's Greetings from Morizo


"Let's all build the future together!" This was Morizo's emphatic appeal to fellow car lovers around the world.

Giving children fun car memories

“Car lovers! Let’s build the future together!”

I will keep on moving with these words.

Because we're car lovers, we can build the future... My desire to enjoy cars makes me want to try various technologies...

This is something I'm serious about.

So, during the year 2023, Morizo accomplished three things!

The first was creating future colleagues.

As shown in the video a moment ago, we provided an occasion for the children who will play the main roles in the future to feel the fun of cars.

If the sounds, smells, and clouds of dust experienced on school grounds become fun memories, we could call our effort a success.

Judging from the smiling faces of the children in the cars, I believe it was.

This year, as well, I will compete in races and rallies across Japan.

I would like to be able to stop by elementary schools again along the way.

Although I am not able to give baseball gloves to every elementary school in Japan [like Major League Baseball star Shohei Otani recently did], I hope to be able to deliver at least a few fun car memories.

The passion for cars overseas versus Japan

The second was creating colleagues across national borders.

As was also shown in the video, we had car festivals in Taiwan, the Philippines, and Thailand.

I personally went to the ones in the Philippines and Thailand and can say that the people there are truly passionate about cars!

I believe that there are expectations in every country for the automotive industry.

Those expectations are why such passion exists.

On the other hand, in Japan, I feel that instead of having high expectations, people are saying things that make me think maybe they want to let this industry decline.

The path up the carbon neutrality mountain depends on the country and region.

However, isn't a desire for cars what we all need?

I found out that, overseas, we have many colleagues who have that passionate desire.

This year, as well, I want to search for such colleagues and meet them.

Frankly, being able to meet such colleagues energizes me.

I wonder how much I will even be in Japan this year.

Morizo’s dream

Going off topic for a bit, did you notice that the title is different from the usual?

Today, this is not a press conference. We made it into an occasion for sharing greetings from Morizo.

Last year, I stepped down as president [of Toyota] and as chairman of the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association.

At last, I think that I have been able to get back to being an ordinary guy who loves cars.

I had always dreamed of the day when I could be like this.

Tokyo Auto Salon is a festival where car lovers proudly show off their beloved cars.

It had been my dream to participate in this festival as just a regular car lover.

That is why I have chosen to convey my greetings not as a president or chairman but as Morizo.

I also proudly have on display six beloved vehicles.

A Yamaha Vino, Suzuki Jimny, and Lexus LBX, all the way to a Century... As well as my trusted partners, Corolla and iQ.

Photo: Noriaki Mitsuhashi/N-RAK PHOTO AGENCY

I imagine that these all have you wondering about them. I would like to talk about each one, but please let me save that for a talk session that will come later.