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"Applause for Team Toyota!" Father-Figure Akio Offers Athletes Support


Toyota's Olympic and Paralympic sponsorship agreement will conclude at the end of 2024. Chairman Toyoda outlines the reasons for not renewing and the company's new support for its athletes.

Announcement of continued support for Toyota athletes worldwide


Toyota initially signed on as a worldwide partner of the IOC (International Olympic Committee) in 2015. These partnerships are limited to one company per industry, and Toyota was selected when the IOC set up a mobility category.

The agreement spanned ten years, from 2015 through to Paris 2024.

Toyota recently held its U.S. national dealer meeting, which is, to put it simply, a chance to thank the dealers who sell our cars. At the event, you made the following statement.

We’ll play a recording of the actual speech, but since it is in English, I will briefly explain the details afterward. Please listen.


What matters most is not sales records but the opportunity to help make people’s lives better, to help them achieve their dreams.

This is the main reason we became the mobility sponsor of the Olympics & Paralympics in 2018.

As well as the sponsor of over 250 Olympic and Paralympic athletes around the world.

Now, as you may know, we have decided not to renew our sponsorship with the IOC after Paris.

Because honestly, I am not sure they are truly focused on putting people first.

For me, the Olympics should simply be about watching athletes from all walks of life with all types of challenges achieve their impossible.


The speech then featured a video. You always emphasize working “for someone other than ourselves,” and this Olympic and Paralympic sponsorship and the support for over 250 athletes truly embraced that idea of making life easier for others and contributing to someone else’s dream.

However, in the speech, you also mentioned that Toyota has decided not to renew the Olympic and Paralympic sponsor agreement.

Instead of listening to the entire speech again, I would like to ask you: what prompted the decision?


It’s difficult to sum up in a few words, but even before we became an Olympic sponsor, I always wondered how they could choose just a single company in the mobility sector.

What I mean is that the auto industry is the backbone of many countries. In Paris, you have the likes of Stellantis and Renault or Hyundai and Kia in South Korea. China also has many companies.

Given the broad industry’s base, one might dare say that the auto industry is the nation.

I wondered whether Toyota was capable of doing that worldwide for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, but when we shared our vision, the IOC was eager to work together on building and supporting the future, so we decided to try.


The IOC’s President Bach said that we share the same commitment to sustainable growth.


However, in some respects, we sensed a gap between that starting point and the everyday reality.

In the lead-up to Tokyo, on each occasion, we had to talk with carmakers in the host countries, and then only Tokyo turned out as it did. Above all, in recent years, many Olympic and Paralympic Games have been held in Asia, and we have found the timing questionable, both in terms of season and daily schedules.

As everyone is aware, the previous Tokyo Games all those decades ago began on October 10, which became Sports Day.

Those beautiful autumn days offer perfect conditions for a sporting event. Then, this time, it was like, “August, really?” With finals in the middle of the night?


Timed to suit the U.S., where many sponsors are based.


And since Tokyo was held without spectators, I tried to cheer on the GTTA via Toyota Times, like a parent cheering on his kids at a school sports day event.

After all, for athletes from other countries, coming to Japan meant competing away from home. But since this is where Toyota is from, I wanted to make the GTTA feel at home and to support each athlete. When I asked to do that on Toyota Times, we weren’t able to.


At first, we couldn’t.


I met with Mr. Bach to negotiate in person at least three times.

I told him that I just wanted to cheer on my family when they competed. I wanted them to feel that they were at home, even if they represented other countries. And I wanted all the local people who support them to see the GTTA in action. Eventually, we received permission.

That allowed us to explain the rules of less mainstream sports on Toyota Times.

Yet, as I said in my speech, I always wondered if they were focused on putting people or athletes first. That’s what it comes down to.

It became more politically tinged, and I constantly questioned whether this was best for the athletes. That’s why we chose to stop after Paris, as originally agreed.


I see. You wrapped everything up in your speech by saying, “For me, the Olympics should simply be about watching athletes from all walks of life with all types of challenges achieve their impossible.”


Yes, I believe that.


But there was actually more to the speech we heard earlier. You invited the American Toyota athletes up on stage and revealed a certain piece of news for the first time.

To their great surprise, you announced that Toyota will continue supporting its athletes worldwide.

Let’s listen to the words that Akio shared with these athletes:


Unfortunately, since Toyota will no longer be a sponsor of the Olympics going forward, this also means we can no longer officially sponsor our Olympic and Paralympic Team Toyota athletes.

However, I have a special surprise for you today. Are you ready?

I have decided that Toyota will continue to provide the same financial support to you and all our Team Toyota athletes around the world for as long as you remain active Olympians and Paralympians.

How does that sound? In addition, we will also provide financial support to the International Paralympic Committee through our Toyota Mobility Foundation to help increase opportunities for para-athletes both on and off the field and assist in the development of new technology and equipment to support their efforts.

So, on behalf of all of us here, thank you for your partnership, and we look forward to cheering you on in the future!

How about another round of applause for Team Toyota?

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