"Let's Create the Future Through Mobility"--A Second Round of Government Discussions


Keidanren's Committee on Mobility met with Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on the sidelines of the JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW to discuss how the public and private sectors can come together to create the future.

Turning public-private ties into one of Japan’s strengths

“The future is something we all create.” Chairman Toyoda has repeatedly voiced this conviction to promote the Committee on Mobility and the JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW.

Japan’s automobile sector is an integrated industry with vast ripple effects and strong ties to various other fields. It employs 5.5 million people, a figure that grows to 8.5 million for the mobility industry and nearly 10 million if other manufacturing industries are included.

When it was formed last year, the Committee on Mobility established a framework for cross-industry dialogue about topics that are too complex for any single company or industry to resolve.

The collaboration sparked by the committee coalesced into the JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW, which drew nearly 500 participating companies, a record high.

Looking toward the future, Chairman Toyoda hopes the discussions between the government and private companies, particularly those working in mobility, “will become one of Japan's strengths.”

Japan’s government and business community are joining forces to power the country’s economy and society. Transcending various boundaries, they will continue to take on the challenge of unlocking a better future for Japan.