(This article and video were originally posted in July 2019 in Japanese.)
On the day the video was taken, Akio Toyoda was working at Toyota’s Tokyo Office. Typically, he works from the company’s headquarters in Toyota City during the first part of any given week and travels to visit various places and sites for the latter half of the week. He often visits Tokyo, working from the Tokyo Office on such occasions.
During the lunch break in the Tokyo Office on the day of the video, Akio suddenly stood up and left his office, saying “I want to visit the convenience store we have inside the building, as I’ve never been there.”
Fortunately, the Toyota Times editorial team was with him and it was decided that they should film the visit as it would be a very rare occasion. So this small “journey” of Akio’s was filmed on camera. What did Akio want to buy at the shop? (Don’t go back to the title!)
At first, there was uncertainty from the editorial team about making the video public, but because the team was allowed to film the visit, after taking a stab at editing it and then sharing it with Akio to see if it would be allowed, the team anxiously awaited his response. After all, it was a very rare occasion.
Here’s the response the team received from Akio.
“Let’s post this video on Toyota Times since ‘it was a rare occasion’.”
“Maybe it’d be interesting to share parts of what is considered an ordinary day for me.”
So, with that, please enjoy the video and stay tuned for another Toyo‘da’ Times story!